Functional Feed for Better Food

About US

We are thinking of completing and connecting this chain...
About US

We are thinking of completing and connecting this chain...

The continuous and alarming growth of the world's population in recent decades has been such that it is estimated that the population will reach 9.6 billion people in 2050. Providing food resources, including proteins of animal origin, for the people of the world is one of the major concerns of governments. On the one hand, the limited resources of food items for feeding animals and producing meat, eggs and dairy products with good quality, and on the other hand, the pollution caused by raising these animals for the environment has caused more attention to be paid to improving the efficiency of feed consumption. The inextricable connection between the health of feed for animals and their products has caused the experts involved in the breeding and production of this industry to be more sensitive and focused on improving the quality of products of animal origin. Undoubtedly, the aforementioned goals will not be achieved unless in a complete cycle and chain, all components can be placed in their optimal conditions in a specific path.

The purpose of Danesh Banyan Kimiazyme Company

The purpose of Danesh Banyan Kimiazyme Company

Kimiazym Company was founded in 2013 with the aim of producing biotechnology products in the food industry as well as the livestock, poultry and aquatic industry, based on twelve years of activity and research in the field of fermentation products and industrial enzymes, and focusing on the production of yeast products. has started Considering the importance and role of producing healthy products in people's health, Kimazim Company has started serious efforts to strengthen the immune system of animals by extracting and studying the components of the yeast cell wall in order to reduce the consumption of antibiotics.

Although the campaign of Danesh Banyan Kimiazim has been officially started since 2013, it has an insight beyond a decade in academic and industrial research. The claim of this vision is not only due to the presence of experts in this company, but also the effective and constant communication and support of industry and university experts to help achieve the aforementioned goals as its pillars and pillars.

Get to know kimiazyme better

final word

Balancing and optimizing production economically and qualitatively on the one hand and protecting natural resources (including limited sources of food items) and reducing environmental pollution on the other hand requires a comprehensive management view in a complete chain. Also, we believe that even the use of a bioactive metabolite can change the outcome of this chain in a general view, in this system by making major changes. We have summarized all these attitudes in the form of BMI... We can hope for the path of our mission with the support and support of all experts and those involved in the production sector in the industry and academics and professors... This mission cannot be achieved without your support.

Through the creation of an integrated biological management network, Kimiazim Company promises to provide customers with products with maximum efficiency and quality.