Functional Feed for Better Food

ZyMOS Calf®

ZyMOS Calf®

Zy-MOS® Calf is a combination of yeast cell wall, nucleotides, bioactive peptides, and natural antioxidants, with the aim of strengthening the immune system, improving the health of the digestive tract, reducing the incidence of diarrhea, reducing the use of antibiotics, and improving the health of calves.

Depending on the conditions of raising the calf, this product can be added to the milk or starter.

ZyMOS Calf®


  • Reduces diarrhea incidence and other digestive problems.
  • Increases resistance to environmental and nutritional stresses.
  • Reduces consumption of antibiotics and calf treatment costs.
  • Reduces mortality of calves and optimizes rearing process.



  • 3-5 g daily per calf
  • Can be used in the milk and starter, simultaneously.